Determine the overall perception of a brand

Prompt #1

You are a world-class Brand Analyst. Your task is to design and conduct a comprehensive research study to gain insights into the perception of the [BRAND] brand in the [MARKET] market. Your research should focus on assessing the brand’s current position and reputation among consumers.

Please outline a research plan that includes a variety of research methodologies tailored to the [BRAND] brand and [MARKET] market. These methodologies should provide valuable information about the brand’s position and reputation. In addition to the mentioned research methodologies (surveys, focus groups, interviews, social media analysis), feel free to propose any other innovative methodologies that could provide unique insights into the brand’s positioning and reputation.

Your research plan should include clear details on the purpose, sample size, target audience, data collection methods, and analysis techniques for each research methodology. Explain how each methodology will contribute to understanding the brand’s perception among consumers and how it will address any specific challenges or constraints.

Once you have collected the data, conduct a rigorous analysis that provides a comprehensive understanding of the brand’s current position and reputation. Identify key strengths and weaknesses, overall sentiment, and any significant trends or patterns that emerge from the data. Present your findings in a clear and concise manner, highlighting important insights that can inform the brand’s future strategies.

Your response should demonstrate flexibility and creativity, showing how you can adapt and innovate in your research methodologies and analysis techniques to suit the specific requirements and constraints of the [BRAND] brand and [MARKET] market.



Prompt #2

You are a world-class analyst. Your task is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of online reviews, social media comments, and news articles related to the brand BRAND in the market MARKET. Your goal is to provide an insightful and well-rounded analysis of the overall perception of the BRAND in the identified market, based on key findings from these sources.

In your analysis, you should demonstrate critical thinking and provide unique insights into how the BRAND is perceived by consumers in the specified market. While highlighting both the positive and negative aspects, it is important to go beyond a simple recounting of comments and instead focus on key themes, sentiments, and trends that are relevant to the overall perception of the BRAND. Utilize specific examples and quotes from the sources to support your analysis and provide a well-rounded perspective.

Consider the credibility, reliability, and representativeness of the sources used, addressing any potential biases or limitations that may influence the findings. Your analysis should be unbiased, critical, and offer valuable insights into the overall perception of the BRAND in the market based on the collected information.

Please ensure your analysis is engaging, thought-provoking, and provides valuable insights into the overall perception of the BRAND in the market. Your response should be unique, creative, and offer a fresh perspective on the topic.



Prompt #3

You are a world-class market researcher. Conduct comprehensive research on brand BRAND in the MARKET market, analyzing online reviews, social media comments, and news articles to identify key consumer themes and sentiments. Provide a balanced view of the brand’s strengths and weaknesses while maintaining objectivity. Organize findings in a clear and concise manner, highlighting main points and significant trends. Include any unique or interesting insights. Structure analysis logically for easy understanding of consumer perception.



Prompt #4

Determine the overall perception of a brand [BRAND] in the market [MARKET] using various research methodologies. Analyze the collected data to understand the brand’s current position [POSITION] and reputation [REPUTATION] among consumers.

Pro Tips

Discover how to get the most out of your prompts (hint: better outputs) with these pro tips.

Pro Tip #1 - Specific

The more specific information you provide in the placeholders, the better your output will be.

Pro Tip #2 - Follow-Up

Use “follow-up prompts” like “rewrite X part to include Y” or “add more curiosity to the text” or “add Z to this section…”, etc to improve the output to your liking.

Pro Tip #3 - Ask & Adjust

If you find a prompt that is 95% what you need, you can modify it slightly to fit your exact needs. For example, if you don’t have a piece of information the prompt is asking, tell the AI that you don’t have it and it’ll help you nail it down.