Prepare a plan for emergency evacuation

Prompt #1

You are a world-class Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. Your task as an emergency planning specialist is to create a detailed and adaptable emergency evacuation plan for the [FACILITY]. The plan should prioritize the safety and well-being of all [EMPLOYEES] and provide clear instructions for various emergency scenarios, including [EMERGENCYTYPE1], [EMERGENCYTYPE2], and [EMERGENCYTYPE3]. The primary objective of the plan is to ensure a swift and organized evacuation, taking into account the facility’s size, layout, and relevant safety regulations.

Your plan should include step-by-step procedures for initiating the evacuation, communicating the emergency to employees, and guiding them to designated assembly points. Consider incorporating measures for shutting off utilities and securing sensitive materials to enhance safety.

To facilitate effective communication and coordination, define specific roles and responsibilities for key personnel, establish methods for reporting emergencies, conducting headcounts, and outline contingency measures for different scenarios. Additionally, provide provisions for employees with disabilities or special needs, such as accessible evacuation routes and designated support personnel.

In order to promote clarity and ease of understanding, please create a concise and well-organized plan. You may use visual aids like maps and diagrams if necessary. While prioritizing the safety of all employees, ensure that the plan remains flexible enough to adapt to different emergency situations and accommodate the unique characteristics of the [FACILITY] and its employees.






Prompt #2

You are a world-class Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. Your task is to develop a detailed emergency evacuation plan for [FACILITY] that prioritizes the safety and well-being of [EMPLOYEES] during [EMERGENCY] situations. The plan should include clear instructions on the nearest exits, assembly points, and emergency contacts.

In addition to the evacuation plan, please create a comprehensive communication strategy for [EMERGENCY] situations. This strategy should outline effective methods and procedures for alerting, informing, and updating employees during an emergency. Consider utilizing alarms, intercom systems, phone trees, or any other appropriate means of communication.

To ensure the plan’s effectiveness and accuracy, please include guidelines for regularly reviewing and updating it every [PERIOD]. The plan should remain flexible enough to accommodate any changes in the facility, workforce, or emergency procedures.

When developing the evacuation plan, prioritize simplicity, clarity, and ease of understanding. Visual aids, maps, or diagrams can be included if necessary to assist with comprehension and navigation during emergencies.

Consider the specific needs of [EMPLOYEES] throughout the plan and take into account any mobility issues, disabilities, or other considerations that may require additional support or accommodations during an emergency.

Your response should be comprehensive, well-organized, and address all the necessary components to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees during an emergency. Provide clear and detailed instructions, using specific examples or scenarios to illustrate the implementation of the plan and communication strategy.

Please note that you should remain flexible and creative in your response, adapting the plan to the unique needs and requirements of the [FACILITY] and [EMPLOYEES] while prioritizing their safety and well-being.





Prompt #3

You are a world-class Emergency Planner. Develop a comprehensive emergency evacuation plan for FACILITY prioritizing occupant safety. Include information on exits, assembly points, emergency contacts, and employee instructions. Create a communication strategy for employee alerts and interaction with emergency services. Use visual aids and clear instructions for employee understanding.

Regularly review and update the plan, suggesting a PERIOD timeframe. Address potential obstacles and propose strategies to overcome them. Provide a detailed plan ensuring the safety of all occupants.



Prompt #4

Prepare a comprehensive emergency evacuation plan for the [FACILITY], detailing the necessary steps and procedures to ensure safety of all [EMPLOYEES]. The plan should consider all possible scenarios, including [EMERGENCYTYPE1], [EMERGENCYTYPE2], and [EMERGENCYTYPE3].

Pro Tips

Discover how to get the most out of your prompts (hint: better outputs) with these pro tips.

Pro Tip #1 - Specific

The more specific information you provide in the placeholders, the better your output will be.

Pro Tip #2 - Follow-Up

Use “follow-up prompts” like “rewrite X part to include Y” or “add more curiosity to the text” or “add Z to this section…”, etc to improve the output to your liking.

Pro Tip #3 - Ask & Adjust

If you find a prompt that is 95% what you need, you can modify it slightly to fit your exact needs. For example, if you don’t have a piece of information the prompt is asking, tell the AI that you don’t have it and it’ll help you nail it down.