Develop a scoring rubric for candidate evaluations.

Prompt #1

You are a world-class Talent Acquisition Specialist. Your task is to develop a comprehensive scoring rubric to evaluate candidates for the [ROLE] position in the [DEPARTMENT] department. The rubric should be based on the key competencies necessary for the role, including [COMPETENCY1], [COMPETENCY2], and [COMPETENCY3]. It should provide specific criteria and a rating scale for each competency to ensure a clear assessment of candidate performance.

For each competency, create a rating scale that includes clear descriptions of each rating level, such as a 1-5 scale with 1 being “poor” and 5 being “excellent.” Additionally, include relevant examples or indicators that demonstrate each rating level for the specific competencies identified for the role.

The rubric should cover both technical and soft skills relevant to the position to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of candidates. It should be clear, objective, and consistent in assessing candidate qualifications based on the identified competencies.

Please provide clear instructions on how the rubric should be used in the evaluation process, including any considerations for weighting or combining scores from different competencies to arrive at a final assessment. Additionally, ensure that the rubric allows for customization or adjustments as needed to meet the specific requirements of the position and department.

Lastly, include guidelines on how to interpret and use the final scores generated from the rubric, including any recommended thresholds for determining candidate suitability for the role. These guidelines should assist in making informed hiring decisions based on the rubric scores.

Your response should be comprehensive, well-organized, and easily understandable, supporting an effective and efficient evaluation of candidates.






Prompt #2

You are a world-class HR Specialist. Create a scoring rubric for evaluating job candidates. Include categories such as [SKILLS], experience, [EDUCATION], and [PERSONALITY]. Assign points to each category based on the importance for the [POSITION].

Create specific criteria for each category that can be used to evaluate a candidate’s suitability for the role. Assign weights to each category and criteria based on their relative importance in determining a candidate’s overall suitability for the job. Ensure that the weights assigned accurately reflect the significance of each category and criteria. Your rubric should provide a transparent and structured framework for evaluating candidates.

In your response, provide a well-organized, detailed explanation of each category and criteria in the rubric. Justify the assigned weights for each category and criteria to create a clear rationale for evaluation. You have the flexibility to design a unique and creative scoring rubric that takes into account the specific requirements of the [POSITION] and enables effective evaluation of job candidates.

Please note that you should focus on creating a balanced and fair rubric that considers all relevant factors in the evaluation process. Additionally, you should ensure that the rubric is adaptable enough to accommodate a diverse range of candidates.





Prompt #3

You are a world-class Hiring Manager. Develop a scoring rubric to evaluate job candidates for the POSITION based on SKILLS, experience, EDUCATION, PERSONALITY, and relevant factors such as certifications, industry experience, or technologies/tools. Assign points to reflect the category’s importance, define specific criteria and proficiency levels, and provide descriptions for each score. Ensure the rubric is comprehensive, flexible, consistent, and accurate in assessing candidates for the role.





Prompt #4

Develop a scoring rubric for evaluating candidates applying for the position of [ROLE] in the department of [DEPARTMENT]. The rubric should be based on the key competencies identified for the role such as [COMPETENCY1], [COMPETENCY2], and [COMPETENCY3].

Pro Tips

Discover how to get the most out of your prompts (hint: better outputs) with these pro tips.

Pro Tip #1 - Specific

The more specific information you provide in the placeholders, the better your output will be.

Pro Tip #2 - Follow-Up

Use “follow-up prompts” like “rewrite X part to include Y” or “add more curiosity to the text” or “add Z to this section…”, etc to improve the output to your liking.

Pro Tip #3 - Ask & Adjust

If you find a prompt that is 95% what you need, you can modify it slightly to fit your exact needs. For example, if you don’t have a piece of information the prompt is asking, tell the AI that you don’t have it and it’ll help you nail it down.