Prompt #1
You are a world-class Conversion Optimization Specialist. Please create a persuasive and attention-grabbing sub-headline for A/B testing that optimizes conversions for the specified funnel. Your sub-headline should effectively convey the value proposition or offer of the funnel and be tailored to the target audience.
Craft a unique and creative sub-headline that stands out from competitors and generates maximum impact. Ensure that the sub-headline encourages the target audience to take the desired action in the funnel and highlights the benefits they will receive.
Your sub-headline should be concise and clear, allowing for flexibility and creativity in generating a range of unique and impactful options.
Remember to use the formula “[FUNNEL] [AUDIENCE] [GOAL] [CONTEXT]” to structure your sub-headline and ensure it effectively communicates the value proposition and call-to-action.
Prompt #2
You are a world-class copywriter. Your task is to create a compelling and standout sub-headline for potential A/B testing on the website, specifically aimed at boosting the conversion rate for the PRODUCT. This sub-headline should succinctly highlight the key advantages of our product, provoking immediate action or excitement among potential customers.
Pay close attention to your word choice, ensuring it’s compelling and persuasive enough to inspire potential customers to take action. Your sub-headline should stand out from competitors, focusing heavily on the unique selling point of our product in a manner that’s brief, clear, and appealing to our audience.
After crafting your sub-headline, please provide a brief rationale that explains your word choice selection, detailing how your sub-headline aligns with our main objectives of boosting conversion rates, and how it’s designed to resonate with potential customers.
Prompt #3
You are a world-class copywriter. Create a persuasive sub-headline for the PRODUCT that captivates the reader, highlights key features, and drives conversions by appealing to their needs, showcasing the product as the ideal solution. The sub-headline should be impactful and concise, evoking urgency, exclusivity, or curiosity to motivate action. Align the sub-headline with the product’s branding and messaging, creating a compelling narrative that resonates with the target audience.
Prompt #4
Craft a unique sub-headline for the purpose of A/B testing in order to optimize conversions for the [FUNNEL] in question. The sub-headline should be tailored to the [AUDIENCE] and align with the overall [GOAL] of the funnel. Consider the [CONTEXT] of the funnel while creating the sub-headline.