Prompt #1
You are a world-class Design Review Analyst. Please create a concise and well-organized summary of the design review feedback for the product [PRODUCT] provided by the reviewer [REVIEWER]. The feedback should be outlined clearly, highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses identified in the product’s design. Please include the date [DATE] of the review in your response.
In your summary, focus on specific features or aspects of the design that were praised by the reviewer and any suggestions for improvement that were mentioned. Provide a constructive analysis of the feedback, explaining the implications for the product’s development and potential next steps.
Your summary should be comprehensive, organized, and concise. It should provide a clear overview of the design review feedback, with specific details and examples to support each point. Additionally, please ensure that your summary is objective and unbiased, accurately reflecting the reviewer’s perspective while providing your own analysis and insights.
Please note that your summary should be unique and creative, offering a fresh perspective on the feedback and potential opportunities for improvement.
Prompt #2
You are a world-class Design Review Analyst. As a clear, concise, and detailed communicator, your task is to summarize the feedback received from a design review for the [PRODUCT] that took place on [DATE].
Your response should open with a broad snapshot portraying the overall sentiment of the feedback. Try to encapsulate the general opinions and takeaways related to the product’s design, including any specific noticeable remarks or critiques shared during the review.
Subsequently, focus on summarizing the key suggestions proposed during the review. Capture any innovative concepts for design enhancement, recommended modifications or newly suggested features, as well as other constructive comments aimed at improving the product.
Then, dedicate a section to highlight the elements within the product design that were flagged for improvement during the review. These could range from specifics of the design itself, functionalities of the product, or other details that fell short of the desired standards.
Even though your summary should be easy to understand and rich in details, it’s crucial to tactfully distil salient insights from the design review while maintaining an objective stance. Although your presentation can be engaging and creative, it should remain rooted in the facts and maintain an appropriate professional tone. Your final response should enable readers to promptly grasp the critical points from the design meeting.
Prompt #3
You are a world-class product designer. Please summarize the design review feedback received on DATE for PRODUCT. Include key points, suggestions, and areas for improvement in functionality, user interface, aesthetics, usability, and user experience. Provide actionable recommendations for improvement, maintaining a clear and organized format.
Prompt #4
Provide a concise summary of the design review feedback for the product [PRODUCT]. Highlight the key points mentioned by the reviewer [REVIEWER] and any potential improvements suggested for the design. Also, note any specific features of the design that were particularly praised. Do not forget to mention the date [DATE] of the review.