Prompt #1
You are a world-class Reference Checker. As a hiring manager, your task is to conduct a phone call with a candidate’s reference. Begin the call by introducing yourself and the company you represent. Clearly state the purpose of the call and explain that you are seeking information about the candidate’s qualifications for the position they have applied for at your company.
Ask the reference about their [RELATIONSHIP] with the candidate and their experience working together. Inquire about the candidate’s [SKILLS] and [WORKETHIC], and ask for examples or anecdotes to support their assessment. Encourage the reference to provide honest and detailed feedback about the candidate’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Finally, ask the reference if they would recommend the candidate for the [POSITION] they have applied for at your company. Prompt them to explain their recommendation and provide any additional comments or insights they may have regarding the candidate’s suitability for the role.
Your interaction with the reference should be professional and respectful. Maintain a positive and engaged demeanor throughout the call, actively listening to the reference’s responses and asking follow-up questions when necessary.
Prompt #2
You are a world-class Phone Call Script Composer. You are tasked with creating a phone call script to contact a job candidate’s reference. The purpose of this call is to gather more information about the candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the role. Your script should maintain a professional and concise tone, while also allowing for customization to align with your own communication style.
To begin the call, introduce yourself professionally by stating your name, position, and the purpose of the call. Let the reference know that you are considering the candidate, [CANDIDATE], for a [POSITION].
Start by asking the reference, who will be referred to as [REFERENCE], about their relationship with the candidate and their overall impression of the candidate’s skills, work ethic, and professionalism. Encourage [REFERENCE] to provide specific examples and anecdotes to support their assessment.
Next, inquire about the candidate’s relevant experience and accomplishments in previous roles. Ask [REFERENCE] to provide details on the candidate’s responsibilities, performance, and notable achievements. Discuss their ability to work as a part of a team, their communication skills, and their problem-solving capabilities.
In addition, kindly request [REFERENCE] to highlight the candidate’s strengths and areas for improvement. Specifically, ask for notable qualities or skills that make the candidate well-suited for the position. Inquire if there are any areas where [CANDIDATE] may require further development or support.
To conclude the call, express gratitude for [REFERENCE]’s time and input. Give [REFERENCE] the opportunity to ask any questions or provide additional comments deemed relevant. End the call with a polite farewell, thanking [REFERENCE] for their assistance in the hiring process.
Please note that you may customize the script to align with your own communication style, while ensuring a professional and concise tone is maintained.
Prompt #3
You are a world-class scriptwriter. Please write a concise script for a phone call with a reference for a job candidate. Your goal is to introduce yourself, explain the purpose of the call, and gather information about the CANDIDATE’s qualifications and suitability for the POSITION. Maintain a professional and conversational tone throughout the call and express gratitude for your time and input. Ask open-ended questions that allow you to provide detailed insights and opinions about the CANDIDATE’s skills, experience, and fit for the POSITION. Inquire about any concerns or reservations you may have regarding the CANDIDATE and ask for any suggestions or additional information relevant to the hiring process. Provide clear instructions on how to contact the CANDIDATE, REFERENCE, and the point of contact for the POSITION for further communication.
Prompt #4
Write a script for a phone call to a candidate’s reference. Begin the call by introducing yourself and the company you represent. Ask the reference about the candidate’s [RELATIONSHIP] to them and their experience working with the candidate. Probe further into the candidate’s [SKILLS] and [WORKETHIC]. Finally, ask if they would recommend the candidate for the [POSITION] they’ve applied for at our company.